Mapping Functions

Several utility functions useful in mappings:

transform.useoneof(first get, second get, etc)

Pick data from incoming message from more place, or for defaults. Depreciated: use python’s ‘or’ (easier, better). ‘Or’ is used in examples below.

#get delivery date form header level, or (if not one header level) from line level:
deldate = inn.get({'BOTSID':'UNH'},{'BOTSID':'DTM','C507.2005':'2','C507.2380':None}) or inn.get({'BOTSID':'UNH'},{'BOTSID':'LIN'},{'BOTSID':'DTM','C507.2005':'2','C507.2380':None})
#delivery palce is eisther delivery place or (if no explicit delivery place) use buyer:
GLN_deliveryplace = inn.get({'BOTSID':'UNH'},{'BOTSID':'NAD','3035':'DP','C082.3039':None}) or inn.get({'BOTSID':'UNH'},{'BOTSID':'NAD','3035':'BY','C082.3039':None})
#Use for default values (if field not there, use default):
value = inn.get({'BOTSID':'IMD','C960.4294':None}) or 'my value'


Concatenate a list of strings. If argument is None, nothing is concatenated.

#returns 'mystring'
transform.concat('my',None,'string',sep=' ')
#returns 'my string'


Truncate value:

#truncate description (from IMD) at max 15 positions:


Sorts the incoming message according to certain value. Sorts alphabetically.

#sort article lines by EAN article number (GTIN).


  • Does format conversions based upon pattern matching.
  • Especially useful for date/time conversion.
  • Note: only simple pattern matching, without ‘intelligence’ about date/time.
#returns '11-09-21'

 #tricks with datamask:
print transform.datemask('201512312359','YYYYmmDD0000','YYYYmmDD0000')
print transform.datemask('201512310000','YYYYmmDD0000','YYYYmmDD0000')
print transform.datemask('20151231','YYYYmmDD0000','YYYYmmDD0000')
#returns date always in CCYYmmDDHHMM, if no tiem in original tiem is '0000'


  • Send a simple email message to any bots partner (in partner-table) from a mapping script.
  • Mail is sent to all To: and cc: addresses for the partner (but send_mail does not support cc).
  • Email parameters are in config/ (EMAIL_HOST, etc).
transform.sendbotsemail('buyerID1','error in messsge','There is an error in message blahblah')


  • Returns counter/unique number.
  • For each domain separate counters are used.
  • Counter start at 1 (at first time you use counter).
  • The counter can be changed in bots-monitor->SysTasks->view/edit counters
transform.unique('my article line counter')
#returns a number unique for the domain 'my article line counter'


  • Returns counter/unique number during the bots-run.
  • For each domain separate counters are used.
  • Counter start at 1 (at first time you use counter).
  • In a next run the counter will start again at 1.
  • Useful for eg a message-counter per interchange.


Use the incoming message as the outgoing message. Is useful to translate the message one-on-one to another editype. Examples:

  • Edifact to flat file. This is what a lot of translators do.
  • x12 to xml. x12 data is translated to xml syntax, semantics are of course still x12
  • Another use: read a edi message, adapt, and write (to same editype/messagetype including changes).