Multiple Environments

There are several ways to configure multiple seperate environments for bots.

Using python virtualenv tool

  • Virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. Virtualenv creates a folder which contains all the necessary executables to use the packages that a Python project would need.
  • Bots works fine using virtualenv.
  • Installation for linux is similar to a normal install. See Installation <installation>
  • Installation for windows: use a pip install, see Installation <installation>
  • Please google for virtualenv instructions.

Use config parameter

Each bots program start script accepts a parameter (-c) that indicates which config directory to use. Within config there are settings for botssys and usersys, so this gives us the ability to have separate environments..

  1. Start with configuration with the default config, usersys and botssys directories in bots directory.

  2. Make copies of those directories within bots directory:
    • Make copy of config, name it eg config-env2
    • Make copy of botssys, name it eg botssys-env2
    • Make copy of usersys, name it eg usersys-env2
  3. Edit the configuration files in config-env2 and change (at least) the following settings:
    • in bots.ini

      botssys = botssys-env2
      usersys = usersys-env2

      DATABASE_NAME = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'botssys-env2/sqlitedb/botsdb')

  4. Start bots scripts using the -c parameter to refer to the new environment, eg:

    $ -cconfig-env2
    $ -cconfig-env2

Different computers

  • Your production environment is on a server.
  • Your development environment is on your desktop/laptop PC.
  • In this way, you can replicate exactly the same setup (same python version etc), and transfer things from one to the other once tested.

Addition tweaks to run multiple Bots environments at same time


#port used to assure only one instance of bots-engine is running. default: 28081
port = 28091

#port at which at bots-gui is server. default is 8080
port = 8090

# Port to use for the job queue xmlrpc server (on localhost). Default: 28082
port = 28092

SECRET_KEY = 'm@-u37qiujmeqfbu$daaaaz)sp^7an4u@h=wfx9dd$$$zl2i*x9#awojdc'